Pénélope, after graduating with a Bachelor in Economics and a professional experience in the fashion industry, was introduced to French bookbinding under the instruction of prestigious teachers during 5 years at "Vésinet" school (AAAV, France). She learnt bookbinding techniques, book decoration, gilding and participated to many workshops with Ana Ruiz-Larrea, François Brindeau, Florent Rousseau, Jacky Vignon...... She passed the French official diploma for craftsmanship (CAP, arts de la reliure).
She won several awards in France and the U.K. and was recognized by her peers as not only a Master in traditional and authentic French techniques but also as a genuine artist. Indeed she has experimented with a variety of book structures and explored many ways to decorate bookbinding. More than bound, she offers a book scenography: she crafts as an artistic conversation with the Book.
In 2011, she moved from her native France to Central Europe - Budapest, Prague - and in 2018 to Brazil where she shares a bindery place with craftsmen and artists in São Paulo. She combines, crafting for clients with travelling around the world, participating to exhibitions/competitions and sharing her passion through teaching regular classes and workshops.
High Commendable recognition in category "Design", American Academy of Bookbinding, Open Competition
Telluride, USA, September 2019
"Janseniste" competition, "when technic become art"
Paris, France March 2018
Plioir d'Or, Librairie Claude Blaizot, 2nd price
Paris, France, november 2017
ARO, competition, Prix Doucet, 1st special mention
Paris, France, March 2017
Designer Bookbinders international competition, Silver price
Oxford,UK, July 2017
Éphémère XXVe, Paris, France, 2018
Salon du livre rare, Grand Palais, Paris, France, avril 2018
Concours reliure janséniste, Librairie Blaizot, Paris, France Mars 2018
Plioir d'or, Paris, France,2017
Librairie Blaizot, Prix de la reliure originale, Paris, France,2017
Designer Bookbinder Tour, UK, USA, 2017
Reliures Océanes, Paris, France,2016
Reliure de création, XIe FIRA, Nîmes, France, 2014
Un habit pour les écrivains belges, Brussel, Belgium, 2014
Reliures en fleurs, Paris, France, 2014
Art Paris, Art Fair, Paris, France, 2014
To go info reality itself Tomas Tranströmer, Stockholm, Sweden, 2013
Paris relié, Paris, France, 2013
Designer Bookbinders,world tour (UK, Europe, Japan, from 2013 to 2015
Reliure en papier, la fibre créative, Reims, France 2013
Aragon relié, Brussel, Belgium and Paris,France, 2012
La reliure de fil en aiguille, Liège, Belgium, 2011
Boekbanden in Brugge, Brugge, Belgium, 2011